White Sands of Tulum

White Sands of Tulum

Saturday, March 31, 2007

Where is the sand?

Hi fella bikini bootcampers!

Don't know about you, but today, my 1st day back, was rough.

I always do morning pages, but no beach walk :-( Instead of feeling the natural soft white sand underneath my twinkley toes, I felt the plushness of my artifical rug.

Then I did go to a yoga class, except I drove for 5 miles instead of walking in my flip flops for 50 feet. It was weird to be in a car amongst other cars.

I wondered periodically today, where is that bell? Ding ding ding.

I thought about doing 10 push ups and counting in spanish. Uno, doz, treize, ah, who am I kidding? I studied French. Since I could only count to 3, 3 push ups :o)

Oh, I did enjoy throwing tp into the toilet rather than in a basket next to the toilet :o)

I am really hoping to see you all May 1st bright & early in the Plaza.